• You have registered into your course
  • You will spend time in the studio having fun while you work hard with like minded colleagues.
  • You will meet new friends and share your passion for Pilates and teaching
  • You will be challenged and see a transformation in your own body
  • You will learn the art of hands on teaching
  • You will complete your required hours and be proud when you pass those practical and written tests.
  • You will become a comprehensively trained fully certified Pilates instructor and realise your full potential.

What’s next?

How to be the best Instructor you can be!

KNOWLEDGE: Clients will intuitively know that you have had good solid comprehensive training and are worthy of their time and money. They will not come back if they don’t receive a return on their investment- their bodies, minds, and their overall well-being.

PROFESSIONALISM: Punctuality, good communication and dependability are all signs of a professional in any field. You will develop friendships with your clients but you must always guide the lesson back to the task at hand: Pilates.

TRUST: No matter the goal of each client, they believe you will guide them safely, effectively and mindfully. Whether it’s rehabbing an injury, or advancement of their personal practice, session after session, you will bring them one step closer to realising their goals.

COMPASSION: This is one of the most important qualities for a great teacher to possess. As a compassionate teacher you will be able to cater sessions to what your client needs as well as what they want. Try to understand what your client is feeling. Be in tune with their physical capabilities which can vary from week to week depending on what the client is experiencing both emotionally and physically.

WORK THE BODY: More often than not, one hour a week is all your client has to focus on themselves. Life is fast paced, stressful and hectic, with no real quality “me time”. You, as a very skilled teacher will have your clients leave the studio feeling exhilarated!

CUEING: A successful Pilates instructor will know how to communicate in a way that a client can understand easily. Whether it’s choosing the right verbal or tactile cue, or the need to demonstrate the exercise.

HUMOUR: Don’t forget to have fun!